If you are working as a Graphic Designer or web designer, then the questions come into your mind is that how I should charge for my service or how should I set the working timings etc. Some of the questions that come into Graphic Designer mind while charging their clients are:
What should I charge?
Should I go for per project rate or hourly billing?
Whether my client can afford my fees or not?
What is the market rate for this service?
Let’s now understand how the charges are set by the freelancer Graphic Designer!!!!
Setting Hourly Time or Project Rate
As you are a self-employed person, not a salaried person, so you must only concern about your cost, your profitability or how much you want to invest on your business The main advantage for setting the hourly rate is that you are paid for the work you do. To track the time, you can use the time tracking software and you must also have a solid focus while working on your project. Some of the graphic designers don’t find an hourly rate
as a good option as because they can finish projects quickly and hours worked is not the only price consideration..
Know Your Actual Profit
The profit rate of your deliverable must include the essentials like taxes, rent, lights, transportation, software and other supplies when pricing projects. Such as you should be be able to pay the rent of Adobe Software, such as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop etc. You need to be able to cover all costs before you’ll ever make any profit as a freelancer graphic designer. You must charge for your service by keeping in mind that you are offering a superior quality product within the specified timeline along with additional provisional costs irrespective of the experienced graphic designer in the market.
Miscellaneous Cost Factor
If you know all the concepts of graphics and you are sure that you can deliver a superior quality product then, you can charge 30 dollars to 50 dollars per hour. If you are a graphic designer that who is comfortable with just one software, then you can charge between 18 to 20 dollar per hour. The size and time of the project also help in deciding cost that you can charge from the client. You can also decide the cost according to the value of the project you are working on, as designing a logo for a company represents their overall business, hence you can charge at the higher side for the project.
It depends on you what parameters are set by you to charge the client according to your freelancer services. Mostly the people around you suggest taking help of the experience freelancer graphic designer. But in my opinion, it is just a waste of time as they will never tell you their actual price and also it is the business question, not an academic one that has to be answered by any experienced designer.